Wesley學校在十二月有一系列的聖誕節活動,上上週是蛋糕週,學校除了教小朋友做蛋糕外也舉辦一些義賣活動,剛好上週一Wesley不舒服在家休息, 為了不讓他感覺無聊決定三個人一起來做小餅乾,一方面可讓他們二個好好的玩一玩另一方面也可以將餅乾拿去學校義賣
On a pain scale of one to ten, lost loved ones or love that is given but not returned can be right up there just above an operation or a visit to the dentist. It is much worse than both. Medical procedures tend to heal quickly. Broken hearts can take years to heal and sometimes never do.
目前分類:陪兒子長大 (8)
- Dec 26 Tue 2006 18:35
- Dec 07 Thu 2006 20:49
Wesley 小精靈
Wesley 閉上眼睛 對我說...
- Aug 20 Sun 2006 21:21
2006 Wesley and William's birthday party(包含影片)
- Apr 13 Thu 2006 18:29
Coram field
- Mar 16 Thu 2006 20:40
兒子的最愛 Madeline